Our History
Our first shop was located at 3 Cinema Parade Farnham Road in Slough and later opposite to 265-267 Farnham Road. This then expanded to 6 Chandos Street Slough and 8 Upton Lea Parade Wexham Road which you see in our featured picture.
This was a typical store of the day back in the 50s and 60s. Although the store sold many things, bikes were the bigger part of the shop along with prams, toys, electrical goods and services like recharging batteries.
8 Upton Lea Parade, Wexham Road
Eric H. Stow On A Moulton Bicycle
Eric Stow and family lived above the shop at Wexham Road and had a garden at the rear. He was a well respected member of the community and was known for his PA or public address system which was used at all kinds of events and rallies including the carnivals at Agars Plough Eton College and for the 1950s polling election.
Mounted on his van we have a rare clip of the Eric H Stow van coming from the top of Farnham Road passing the then Ambassador Cinema and the George pub (now Lidl).
Later it was used for commentating on the Milk Race or Tour of Britain as we know it.
Eric H. Stow's PA System
The Wexham shop continued selling bikes along with Airfix and other wares and later the flat above became a well known fishing department with a successful match team. The shop continued on until the early 2000s.
Later on in the 70s Peter Stow took over and built the Business up with another shop on the Windsor road in Slough and then the 80s came.
The invention of the BMX transformed the bike industry. Practically every kid had one with synonymous brands like Kuwahara, Redline and the Raleigh Burner range.
Slough even held the BMX World Championships at Upton Court Park. Racing was big and we would turn up to meets with a caravan full of kit to sell.
We had now outgrown this store so moved across the road into the former Gilloud store. Here we saw the birth of Mountain Biking which was to become the next big thing with brands like Specialized, Giant and Marin leading the way forward in this new category of cycling.
Peter Stow At The Windsor Road Shop
Peter was successful and a well respected business man and later became the President of the ACT (Association of Cycle Traders) and championed for the Cytech qualification giving cycle mechanics the recognition and respect they deserved for the skills they have. It is now one of the most recognised qualification within the cycle industry.
The 1988/89 Milk Race Passing By The Shop
In 1992 we opened our Windsor store on the Dedworth road. The former Jones the Bike store was transformed to sell the leading brands of the day and continued to serve the community as your 'local bike shop' until 2014.
In 2000, the business relocated from Windsor Road to Slough High Street West. It was during this time that Peter's son, Ian, took over the management and steered the business into the modern era of electric bikes. This move proved to be a game-changer, as it allowed people to continue cycling well beyond what they once thought possible. Today, it’s the younger generation of thrill-seekers who are tearing up the trails on eMTBs, embracing the outdoor adventure on their bikes.
The Shop On Slough High Street
The modern bike had evolved beyond being simple repairs you could do in your shed. Much like cars, they now required diagnostics and firmware updates, challenging the workshop and pushing the mechanical skills of the technicians to new heights.
Brompton, one of the most well-known brands, had been sold at Stows Cycles for over 35 years. We boasted a workshop equipped with specialist tools, trained technicians, and a sales team with exceptional knowledge. As a testament to our dedication and expertise, we were proud to become a Brompton Gold Dealer—one of only 20 in the UK, a significant achievement for the entire team.
The Stows Cycles Delivery & Service Vans
For now, this marks the moment where Stows celebrates 80 years of rich history.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, feel free to contact us.